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What This Book Reveals About Being Sent…

Only you can do what He sent you to do.

Throughout the Bible, God sent people like Joseph, Deborah, David, Jesus, and Paul to accomplish His purposes on the earth. You, too, were born with a divine and distinct assignment to make a difference. Yet most of us have trouble recognizing what that actually is–let alone living it out day-to-day.

Filled with practical insights and tangible takeaways, this book will help you discern how the Lord has uniquely equipped you–and for what purpose. You’ll also learn how to master and maximize your gifts and discover how to joyfully carry out His call on your life each and every day.

You were created to become a force of change in the lives of others–to reform, transform, ignite hope, solve problems, and bring healing and deliverance. It’s time to find and fulfill the reason you are here.

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About the Authors


LaJun & Valora Cole are a ministry power team based in Tampa, Florida with a mission to empower, equip and encourage believers worldwide. They are respected nationally and internationally as authors, entrepreneurs, and leaders who use their voices to share God’s love to the Body of Christ. They have traveled to over 90 U.S. cities and 26 foreign nations and have appeared on CTN, TBN, and other major Christian television programs while helping believers discover, develop and deploy their God-given purpose, power, and potential.

What Others Are Saying About Divine Dispatch

Apostle John Eckhardt, Overseer, Crusaders Church, Chicago, Illinois; bestselling author, Prayers that Route Demons

In their new book, Divine Dispatch, LaJun and Valora Cole give practical and biblical insight into the one question many believers are struggling to answer: What exactly is my purpose and destiny in the earth, and why was I created? When a person has clearly defined the answer to this one question, it can produce great increase in their life. I believe that every person who enters the world is designed and sent into the world with a distinct assignment by God.

Sophia Ruffin, Ambassador, Sophia Ruffin Global

“I absolutely admire the ministry of Apostle LaJun Cole and Prophetess Valora Cole. They are truly apostolic leaders who have been sent to share divine insight and revelation for such a time as this. I believe this is the set time and season for Divine Dispatch to be released. The Coles bring clarity to the call, unlocking prophetic insight on the question so many people have: how to discover their assignment and how to develop into the person God ordained them to become. Divine Dispatch will bring awareness and understanding for many who are seeking answers regarding their purpose. Readers will receive impartation, revelation and activation. I highly recommend this book.”

Ryan LeStrange, Senior Leader, Ryan LeStrange Ministries

“LaJun and Valora Cole are accurate prophetic voices being used by God in this hour. In Divine Dispatch they provide a blueprint to fulfill your prophetic destiny. This is a must-read for people who are serious about advancing in their God-ordained purpose! This book must be a tool in your prophetic arsenal.”

Jennifer Eivaz, Co-Pastor, Harvest Church, Turlock, California; Founder, Harvest Ministries International; Author, The Inner Healing and Deliverance Handbook

Too many people are living a frustrated and reduced life because they can’t identify what God has purposed them to do. They feel confused and aimless and suffer from not being in right alignment with God when they don’t have to. This powerful book will close any gaps you have in identifying and living out your Kingdom assignment. It will enable you to identify God’s voice and discover what He is uniquely directing you to do. Divine Dispatch provides a realistic path for walking out your assignment successfully as well as road-tested instruction to avoid common traps along your journey. I truly love the Coles, their lives and their ministry, and I’m thrilled for what they’ve given us.

Kynan Bridges; Senior Pastor, Grace & Peace Global Fellowship, Inc.

“God is a brilliant strategist with an omniscient plan for our lives and destinies. He desires to see His purposes revealed in and through our lives. In this powerful and prophetic book, you will learn key strategies on how to discover, develop and deploy your assignment so that the Kingdom purposes of God may be established in your life. No more sitting on the sidelines; it is time to dispatch destiny today!”

Andrew Towe, author, The Triple Threat Anointing; Lead Pastor, Ramp Church, Chattanooga, Tennessee

“Divine Dispatch masterfully unlocks the code that will catapult you into your God-given destiny. You will receive insight and strategies that will change your life. The profound wisdom and astute understanding within every written word will help you navigate your pathway to the next level. Divine Dispatch is the guide for apostolic building and an instruction manual for the sent ones.”

Joe Joe Dawson, ROAR Apostolic Network

“My good friends LaJun and Valora Cole have written another masterpiece of a book. Their life is a true example of living life to the fullest for God and reaching your God calling and potential. This power couple understands the importance of your God assignment and in this book will show you how to go after your God destiny. The Kingdom of God is manifested when true sons and daughters of God hear from heaven and allow the leading of the Holy Spirit in their daily lives. Divine Dispatch will teach, train and equip you to hear from heaven and do the will of God for your life. This is a must-read for all believers.”

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    • Read the book.
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