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What This Book Reveals About Being Sent…
Only you can do what He sent you to do.
Throughout the Bible, God sent people like Joseph, Deborah, David, Jesus, and Paul to accomplish His purposes on the earth. You, too, were born with a divine and distinct assignment to make a difference. Yet most of us have trouble recognizing what that actually is–let alone living it out day-to-day.
Filled with practical insights and tangible takeaways, this book will help you discern how the Lord has uniquely equipped you–and for what purpose. You’ll also learn how to master and maximize your gifts and discover how to joyfully carry out His call on your life each and every day.
You were created to become a force of change in the lives of others–to reform, transform, ignite hope, solve problems, and bring healing and deliverance. It’s time to find and fulfill the reason you are here.
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